Mittwoch, 23. Februar 2011

First Meetup done!

I think Frederic summed it up pretty neatly in this tweet:
Erstes @ Treffen: Nette Leute, gute Atmosphäre, sehr interessante Diskussionen. 

Some links and notes from the meetup can be read in this discussion thread on the mailing list.

We also discussed a bit what we want the XP Meetup to be in the future. There's either the direction of having more organized talks, with projector, etc, or going in the Stammtisch direction, where we more just focus on the hanging out and discussing part. Or, combine both kinds of meetings.

For now, we'll continue in "hybrid" mode, where we pick a theme for the upcoming meetup, and let people suggest shorter talks via the mailing list, and combine this with discussion. We'll stick to the Quiet Man for the next meetup as well.

The next meetup is March 21st, same time (19:00), same location (The Quiet Man).

Hope to see you there!

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