There were a lot of great meetups in 2011 and we talked about so many topics. But there are still enough left for 2012. So we will come together again in January.
Our first topic in the year 2012 is 'Self-management and Getting Things Done'. This is a perfect start for all of us, who have some New Year's resolutions to be done.
We will get together at tarent's office about 19:00 on 16. January 2012.
You can sign up for the event on Xing here.
The Bonn Agile Meetup is for agile practitioners who want to get together to discuss stuff like eXtreme Programming, Scrum, practices like Pair-Programming and Test-Driven-Development (TDD) and general aspects of agile software development.
Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2011
Donnerstag, 24. November 2011
Post-meetup: November 2011
We broke some records for our November Meetup. Eighteen people showed up, and we had a great time watching the first three of Uncle Bob's CleanCode videos.
Michael Hüttermann wrote a great recap of the evening on Google Plus. And beyond that there's not much to say other than a big thanks to for sponsoring us with the licenses, and Viaboxx for the room, candy and drinks!
And thanks to Stefan Walter for the pic!
Note that we'll skip the Meetup in December. So the next meetup will be January next year. Until then, guten Rutsch!
Montag, 31. Oktober 2011
Bonn Agile Meetup - November 2011: Clean Code Videos
Doo GmbH has been kind enough to sponsor the Meetup with community licenses for the first episodes (by Uncle Bob)!

We'll get together and view them in Viaboxx' offices (where we had the Sommerfest), discuss the contents, and if it turns out popular, we'll do more events like this in the future.
The agenda is discussed here:
Sign up for the Xing event here:
Note that if you want to catch the introductory CleanCoders Episode 1, you'll have to show up half an hour early. We start with Epsiode 2 at 19:10'ish. You can also watch Episode 1 in advance at home or wherever, as it only costs 1$.
We'll get together and view them in Viaboxx' offices (where we had the Sommerfest), discuss the contents, and if it turns out popular, we'll do more events like this in the future.
The agenda is discussed here:
Sign up for the Xing event here:
Note that if you want to catch the introductory CleanCoders Episode 1, you'll have to show up half an hour early. We start with Epsiode 2 at 19:10'ish. You can also watch Episode 1 in advance at home or wherever, as it only costs 1$.
Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2011
Post Meetup: October 2011 (Code Reviews)
Just a quick recap from yesterday's meetup:
Twelve agilists met up in Tarent's awesome kitchen/meeting area, where we were welcomed with sweets, snacks and drinks. Thanks again for hosting us! I did a (somewhat shaky) demonstration of Gerrit, and then we had a long discussion on how to apply Code Reviews as an (agile) practice. We filled up a couple of whiteboards with notes:
(If you can read any of that, I apologize for my lousy German spelling). Here are some of the keywords:
We started by discussing what can make code review successful, or what makes people happy about it. Security was mentioned. Motivation (someone will actually look at the wonderful code I've produced!). It has to be self-driven from the team, not forced from above. Consensus on the quality of the code. You need to have a critical mass of people engaged in doing reviews. Don't allow the reviews to become a bottle neck. Face-to-face reviews are great, but code review is perhaps even more necessary in distributed teams (but then you need to write really good commit messages!).
How can we do code reviews?
General/lieutenant scheme might work well in open source projects, but no so much in companies. The co,mitter should invite a reviewer (anyone got a sec to review this bit of code?). Don't nail it down into processes and roles . Don't leave the reviewing to seniors, mix and match. Reviewing is a learning process.
Code reviews might be a practice that is initially easy to get accepted, politically and culturally, compared to pair-programming. If introducing pairing is not working for you, maybe code reviews will work. If you are doing pairing, maybe reviews aren't necessary (although they can have a good effect in bringing in a fresh pair of eyes, more objective view on the code).
Perhaps pair programming is more useful in creative development. When doing maintenance, perhaps code reviews are better suited.
We're collecting related interesting links in this thread on the mailing list. I also started a discussion on Google+ about code reviews, that got quite active, but unfortunately I didn't mark it as Public, and therefore I can't get it out there now. I did however copy it into another mail thread. Feel free to keep on discussing in that thread!
Looking forward to the next meetup! Any ideas for topics are welcome (in the mailing list).
Twelve agilists met up in Tarent's awesome kitchen/meeting area, where we were welcomed with sweets, snacks and drinks. Thanks again for hosting us! I did a (somewhat shaky) demonstration of Gerrit, and then we had a long discussion on how to apply Code Reviews as an (agile) practice. We filled up a couple of whiteboards with notes:
(If you can read any of that, I apologize for my lousy German spelling). Here are some of the keywords:
We started by discussing what can make code review successful, or what makes people happy about it. Security was mentioned. Motivation (someone will actually look at the wonderful code I've produced!). It has to be self-driven from the team, not forced from above. Consensus on the quality of the code. You need to have a critical mass of people engaged in doing reviews. Don't allow the reviews to become a bottle neck. Face-to-face reviews are great, but code review is perhaps even more necessary in distributed teams (but then you need to write really good commit messages!).
How can we do code reviews?
General/lieutenant scheme might work well in open source projects, but no so much in companies. The co,mitter should invite a reviewer (anyone got a sec to review this bit of code?). Don't nail it down into processes and roles . Don't leave the reviewing to seniors, mix and match. Reviewing is a learning process.
Code reviews might be a practice that is initially easy to get accepted, politically and culturally, compared to pair-programming. If introducing pairing is not working for you, maybe code reviews will work. If you are doing pairing, maybe reviews aren't necessary (although they can have a good effect in bringing in a fresh pair of eyes, more objective view on the code).
Perhaps pair programming is more useful in creative development. When doing maintenance, perhaps code reviews are better suited.
We're collecting related interesting links in this thread on the mailing list. I also started a discussion on Google+ about code reviews, that got quite active, but unfortunately I didn't mark it as Public, and therefore I can't get it out there now. I did however copy it into another mail thread. Feel free to keep on discussing in that thread!
Looking forward to the next meetup! Any ideas for topics are welcome (in the mailing list).
Mittwoch, 12. Oktober 2011
Bonn Agile Meetup - October 2011: GTD, Code Review/Gerrit
The next Bonn Agile Meetup will take place on the 17th of October, again in the lovely Bierhaus Machold at 19:00 in Tarent's offices in Bonn/Duisdorf (map updated below).
View Larger Map
Topics might include:
View Larger Map
Topics might include:
- Code review (with Gerrit demo)
- Getting Things Done (GTD)
Sign up for the Xing event, and help plan out the agenda on the mailing list below:
Hope to see you there!
Montag, 12. September 2011
Werwölfe in Bonn - (Sept. meetUp)
Am 19.09. um 19:00 findet das September meetUp statt.
Ort und Anmeldung findet Ihr hier:
Diesmal wird Kurt Häusler von den Events:
Ort und Anmeldung findet Ihr hier:
Diesmal wird Kurt Häusler von den Events:
Und wir werden bei einem Spiel "Werwölfe" jagen.
Was das mit agile zu tun hat? Lasst euch überraschen!
Donnerstag, 18. August 2011
Bonn Agile Sommerfest die II.
Nach 6 Meetups mit zusammen 45 Teilnehmern, fand am letzten Montag das Bonn Agile Sommerfest statt.
Bei gutem Wetter waren wir von der Firma Viaboxx zu einem BBQ eingeladen.
Neben tollen Gesprächen, lecker Essen und kühlen Drinks gab es auch wieder eine vorbereitete Präsentation.
Thomas zeigte uns das "Roman Numerals" Kata implementiert in Clojure.
Natürlich blieb auch genug Gelegenheit sich über die agilen Arbeitsweisen von Viaboxx zu informieren oder den vorhandenen Kicker zu nutzen.
Bei gutem Wetter waren wir von der Firma Viaboxx zu einem BBQ eingeladen.
Neben tollen Gesprächen, lecker Essen und kühlen Drinks gab es auch wieder eine vorbereitete Präsentation.
Thomas zeigte uns das "Roman Numerals" Kata implementiert in Clojure.
Roman Numerals Kata |
Montag, 8. August 2011
Bonn Agile Sommerfest - August 2011
We're delighted to confirm that Monday one week from now, the 15th of August, the Bonn Agile Sommerfest will take place.
Viaboxx has been as kind as to sponsor the event with location, food (BBQ, if the weather allows), drinks and transport back to Bonn City in the evening.
Viaboxx has been as kind as to sponsor the event with location, food (BBQ, if the weather allows), drinks and transport back to Bonn City in the evening.
The location is a lovely villa in Niederdollendorf:
If you haven't already, sign up on the Xing event here!
Apart from some nice food, drinks and socializing, we'll also squeeze in a little coding action. The mood from our last meetup was that people want more practical coding, so this time we invite to do a little Coding Dojo:
- Show off your favorite Coding Kata (prepared exercise)
- Lets do a fun Randori (group exercise) together
Join in on the mailing list to add your Kata/Randori idea to the agenda!
Sonntag, 24. Juli 2011
Post-meetup: Juli 2011
The meetup last week was our biggest meetup so far, with 12 twelve participants.
Here are a few pictures from the event. We had three smaller talks:
.. plus a lot of good discussion. Afterwards we headed over to the Fiddler's for a "retrospective" ;)
A big thanks to Tarent who hosted the event, and also dished up some lovely cookies and drinks for us!
Note that for the August meetup, we are considering doing a "Sommerfest" hosted by Viaboxx Systems. We'll only go through with the Sommerfest if enough people sign up, so do sign up at the Xing event here!
Here are a few pictures from the event. We had three smaller talks:
Growing object oriented Software guided by Tests (the GOOS book) |
Behavior Driven Development (Jan will also present this at froscon in August) |
Mock objects |
A big thanks to Tarent who hosted the event, and also dished up some lovely cookies and drinks for us!
Note that for the August meetup, we are considering doing a "Sommerfest" hosted by Viaboxx Systems. We'll only go through with the Sommerfest if enough people sign up, so do sign up at the Xing event here!
Montag, 11. Juli 2011
Bonn Agile Meetup - Juli 2011: Testing, etc
The Bonn Agile Meetup (formerly known as Bonn XP-Meetup) is getting together to discuss (and code) some:
If you want to contribute to this topic with a lightning talk, a kata, a coding dojo, etc, join in on the mailing list. (Note that the event is mainly German, even though this post is in English).
There will be a projector/beamer available, so bring your laptop and show off some cool testing tricks you want to share!
It takes place in one week: Monday 18th of July, at 19:00.
This time we're (finally) trying out a meetup in an office location. Tarent has been kind enough to let us use their offices in Bonn/Duisdorf. This is the address (source):
Rochusstraße 2-4
53123 Bonn
View Larger Map
How to get there
The fastest way to get there is probably by taking a bus from Bonn Hauptbahnhof to the stop called Euskirchener Str. (lines 606, 607, 608, 609). It's a pretty short and easy ride.
Sign up
You can sign up for this event on Xing. And do join in on the discussion on the mailing list!
The Bonn Agile Meetup (formerly known as Bonn XP-Meetup) is getting together to discuss (and code) some:
- Unit Tests
- Test-driven development
- Mocking
If you want to contribute to this topic with a lightning talk, a kata, a coding dojo, etc, join in on the mailing list. (Note that the event is mainly German, even though this post is in English).
There will be a projector/beamer available, so bring your laptop and show off some cool testing tricks you want to share!
It takes place in one week: Monday 18th of July, at 19:00.
This time we're (finally) trying out a meetup in an office location. Tarent has been kind enough to let us use their offices in Bonn/Duisdorf. This is the address (source):
Rochusstraße 2-4
53123 Bonn
View Larger Map
How to get there
The fastest way to get there is probably by taking a bus from Bonn Hauptbahnhof to the stop called Euskirchener Str. (lines 606, 607, 608, 609). It's a pretty short and easy ride.
Sign up
You can sign up for this event on Xing. And do join in on the discussion on the mailing list!
Sonntag, 3. Juli 2011
Bonn Agile Meetup: New URLs
So, the rename is complete. Here are our new urls:
Mailing list:
This blog:
All links around should also be updated.
Note that the Xing group is still called "Bonn XP Meetup" until some Xing admins find the time to rename it.
Mailing list:
This blog:
All links around should also be updated.
Note that the Xing group is still called "Bonn XP Meetup" until some Xing admins find the time to rename it.
Donnerstag, 30. Juni 2011
Announcing the Bonn Agile Meetup
So we've decided to change the name of this group to "Bonn Agile Meetup" (the old initial name was "Bonn XP-Meetup").
The reason for doing so is that we fear we are distancing ourselves from those unfamiliar with XP.
Anyone who has ever been to the meetup knows that we talk just as much about "agile" or "Scrum" as we talk about "XP". And since our topics have tended to be so general, we figured it would be good with a more general name for the meetup.
We'll start with a soft rename, meaning we'll change the name in texts anywhere we can without changing URLs . Then later on over this weekend, we'll migrate the rest.
Where the old prefix, id, hashtag, etc, was bonnxp, the new one will be bonnagile.
I'll write an another post here when it's time to change your bookmarks.
The reason for doing so is that we fear we are distancing ourselves from those unfamiliar with XP.
Anyone who has ever been to the meetup knows that we talk just as much about "agile" or "Scrum" as we talk about "XP". And since our topics have tended to be so general, we figured it would be good with a more general name for the meetup.
We'll start with a soft rename, meaning we'll change the name in texts anywhere we can without changing URLs . Then later on over this weekend, we'll migrate the rest.
Where the old prefix, id, hashtag, etc, was bonnxp, the new one will be bonnagile.
I'll write an another post here when it's time to change your bookmarks.
Samstag, 18. Juni 2011
Meetup on Monday: Kanban
Sorry for the late post, but I'm just confirming that there will be a Bonn XP Meetup on Monday! Third Monday in the month as usual.
Topic for the evening is Kanban. Kurt recently attended a course on this and will give us a proper introduction, and then we'll go on to sharing our experiences, and discussing whatever we might use it for.
We'll meet the same place as last time, in the Mediterrano, at 19 Uhr as usual.
You can sign up for the event on Xing and discuss the event on our mailing list.
Hope to see you there!
Topic for the evening is Kanban. Kurt recently attended a course on this and will give us a proper introduction, and then we'll go on to sharing our experiences, and discussing whatever we might use it for.
We'll meet the same place as last time, in the Mediterrano, at 19 Uhr as usual.
You can sign up for the event on Xing and discuss the event on our mailing list.
Hope to see you there!
Sonntag, 1. Mai 2011
Mai Meetup: Agile Planung und Verträge
Ein wiederkehrendes Thema in unseren bisherigen Diskussionen ist die Anwendung von XP oder anderen Agile Methoden für die Planung von Projekten, also:
All dies wird das Hauptthema für unser Treffen im Mai.
Wir treffen uns wieder im Mediterrano, am Montag, den 16. Mai um 19 Uhr und drücken die Daumen für schönes Wetter.
Hier kannst Du Dich für das Xing Event anmelden.
Inhalte zur Vorbereitung und Diskussionen zum Thema findest Du hier in der Mailingliste.
Bis dann!
- Einschätzungen
- Voraussetzungen
- Verträge
All dies wird das Hauptthema für unser Treffen im Mai.
Wir treffen uns wieder im Mediterrano, am Montag, den 16. Mai um 19 Uhr und drücken die Daumen für schönes Wetter.
Hier kannst Du Dich für das Xing Event anmelden.
Inhalte zur Vorbereitung und Diskussionen zum Thema findest Du hier in der Mailingliste.
Bis dann!
Dienstag, 26. April 2011
Summary from third (April) Meetup
Nine people (another record!) showed up for the third Bonn XP-Meetup last week.
This time we switched location to try out the somewhat more peaceful location: Mediterrano in the Altstadt. Assisted by some great weather we sat outside the whole evening and had a great time.
Topics up for discussions were the ALE Network and mainly Software Craftsmanship. Christoph Pater has written a summary of the discussion (German). We also posted some links and resources on the mailing list afterwards. We also drifted into discussing agile estimation and planning, and no doubt this will be a topic for a future meetup.
Next meetup will be Monday 16th of May, so set aside the date!
This time we switched location to try out the somewhat more peaceful location: Mediterrano in the Altstadt. Assisted by some great weather we sat outside the whole evening and had a great time.
Topics up for discussions were the ALE Network and mainly Software Craftsmanship. Christoph Pater has written a summary of the discussion (German). We also posted some links and resources on the mailing list afterwards. We also drifted into discussing agile estimation and planning, and no doubt this will be a topic for a future meetup.
Next meetup will be Monday 16th of May, so set aside the date!
Donnerstag, 31. März 2011
Bonn XP-Meetup: April 18th
Unser drittes Bonn XP-Meetup! Ein Treffen für Leute aus der Region Bonn, die sich für eXtreme Programming und verwandte Themen interessieren und sich in entspannter Atmosphäre austauschen wollen.
Bitte beachten: Diesmal treffen wir uns im "Mediterrano" (Heerstr. 119, 53111 Bonn)
View Larger Map
Wir treffen uns 18. April, am 19:00.
- Xing Event -
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter
The third Bonn XP-Meetup! A get-together for people in and around Bonn who are interested in eXtreme Programming and related topics and want to talk about it over a pint.
Please notice: This time we'll meet at "Mediterrano" (Heerstr. 119, 53111 Bonn).
We meet at 19:00, 18th of April.
- Xing Event -
See for more info.
Bitte beachten: Diesmal treffen wir uns im "Mediterrano" (Heerstr. 119, 53111 Bonn)
View Larger Map
Wir treffen uns 18. April, am 19:00.
- Xing Event -
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter
The third Bonn XP-Meetup! A get-together for people in and around Bonn who are interested in eXtreme Programming and related topics and want to talk about it over a pint.
Please notice: This time we'll meet at "Mediterrano" (Heerstr. 119, 53111 Bonn).
We meet at 19:00, 18th of April.
- Xing Event -
See for more info.
Donnerstag, 17. März 2011
Reminder: Bonn XP-Meetup on Monday
Don't forget, the next meetup is now on Monday (Xing event). Like last time, we meet at 19:00 in the Quiet Man (big table in the door and to the right).
As discussed on the mailing list, the topic for the meetup is:
We'll do a round with the participants who are willing to share which practices they are employing, or have earlier tried at work.
For inspiration, here are the list of practices from XP:
As discussed on the mailing list, the topic for the meetup is:
Which XP Practices are you using?
We'll do a round with the participants who are willing to share which practices they are employing, or have earlier tried at work.
For inspiration, here are the list of practices from XP:
- Sit Together
- Whole Team
- Informative Workspace
- Energized Work
- Pair Programming
- Stories
- Weekly Cycle
- Quarterly Cycle
- Slack
- Ten-Minute Build
- Continuous Integration
- Test-First Programming
- Incremental Design
- Real Customer Involvement
- Incremental Deployment
- Team Continuity
- Shrinking Teams
- Root-Cause Analysis
- Shared Code
- Code and Tests
- Single Code Base
- Daily Deployment
- Negotiated Scope Contract
- Pay-Per-Use
I think we'll have to hold it within 10 minute per person or so to make the whole round within reasonable time.
Hope to see you there!
Donnerstag, 24. Februar 2011
Unser zweites Bonn XP-Meetup!
Unser zweites Bonn XP-Meetup! Ein Treffen für Leute aus der Region Bonn, die sich für eXtreme Programming und verwandte Themen interessieren und sich in entspannter Atmosphäre austauschen wollen.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter
Xing event:
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter
Xing event:
The second Bonn XP-Meetup! A get-together for people in and around Bonn who are interested in eXtreme Programming and related topics and want to talk about it over a pint.
See for more info.
The second Bonn XP-Meetup! A get-together for people in and around Bonn who are interested in eXtreme Programming and related topics and want to talk about it over a pint.
See for more info.
Mittwoch, 23. Februar 2011
First Meetup done!
I think Frederic summed it up pretty neatly in this tweet:
Some links and notes from the meetup can be read in this discussion thread on the mailing list.
We also discussed a bit what we want the XP Meetup to be in the future. There's either the direction of having more organized talks, with projector, etc, or going in the Stammtisch direction, where we more just focus on the hanging out and discussing part. Or, combine both kinds of meetings.
For now, we'll continue in "hybrid" mode, where we pick a theme for the upcoming meetup, and let people suggest shorter talks via the mailing list, and combine this with discussion. We'll stick to the Quiet Man for the next meetup as well.
The next meetup is March 21st, same time (19:00), same location (The Quiet Man).
Hope to see you there!
@fhemberger: Erstes @bonnxp Treffen: Nette Leute, gute Atmosphäre, sehr interessante Diskussionen.
Some links and notes from the meetup can be read in this discussion thread on the mailing list.
We also discussed a bit what we want the XP Meetup to be in the future. There's either the direction of having more organized talks, with projector, etc, or going in the Stammtisch direction, where we more just focus on the hanging out and discussing part. Or, combine both kinds of meetings.
For now, we'll continue in "hybrid" mode, where we pick a theme for the upcoming meetup, and let people suggest shorter talks via the mailing list, and combine this with discussion. We'll stick to the Quiet Man for the next meetup as well.
The next meetup is March 21st, same time (19:00), same location (The Quiet Man).
Hope to see you there!
Freitag, 11. Februar 2011
Meetup February 21st at The Quiet Man
We've reserved a big table in The Quiet Man for our first meetup. It's a nice Irish bar close to the Bonn Central Station (5 minute walk):
View Larger Map
The meetup begins at 19:00. We'll chat for a while, and then around 19:30 there'll be an XP - What's it all about talk, about 30 minutes long.
It's all very informal, no beamer, just sitting around a table and talking about XP and related.
We'll also split some ideas on how to arrange future meetups, discuss alternative venues if 'The Man' is not really working out, etc.
They serve food there as well, so if you want to show up a bit early and grab a bite with some of the other participants, give a shout on the mailing list.
There's a also a Xing event where you can sign-up.
Hope to see you there!
View Larger Map
The meetup begins at 19:00. We'll chat for a while, and then around 19:30 there'll be an XP - What's it all about talk, about 30 minutes long.
It's all very informal, no beamer, just sitting around a table and talking about XP and related.
We'll also split some ideas on how to arrange future meetups, discuss alternative venues if 'The Man' is not really working out, etc.
They serve food there as well, so if you want to show up a bit early and grab a bite with some of the other participants, give a shout on the mailing list.
There's a also a Xing event where you can sign-up.
Hope to see you there!
Sonntag, 30. Januar 2011
Announcing Bonn XP-Meetup
We're a small gang who share a common interest in eXtreme Programming and related topics. We want to get together on a monthly basis so we can discuss these topics and learn from each other.
We'll try staying clear of too much fluff, and keep the content real. The meetups are independent from any particular company, and everyone is welcome to join (it's free!).
Want to participate? Join the mailing list! We hope to see you at the first meetup!
We'll try staying clear of too much fluff, and keep the content real. The meetups are independent from any particular company, and everyone is welcome to join (it's free!).
The first meetup will be February 21st, at 19 o' clock in the evening. We haven't yet decided on a venue, but it will hopefully be a nice location close to Bonn central station. (If you know about a good venue, please tell us about it.)
We've also set up an intermediate web-page. We're not sure what to do with it yet, so for now it just aggregates the information from the Twitter account, the mailing list, this blog, and our Google Calendar. Oh, and we've also set up a Xing group. If you think this is a bit too much links, just stick to the mailing list, as all info will be there.
Want to participate? Join the mailing list! We hope to see you at the first meetup!
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